Mid-Year U-Turn


Can you believe it? We've reached the halfway mark of 2023! Time seems to have flown by, and here we are in June, reflecting on the preceding months filled with twists and turns, both expected and unexpected.

While it may sound like a cliché, the truth remains that we can only control our personal attitude and actions. Regardless of the challenges we've faced, it's our attitude that determines how we perceive the year—whether it has been good or bad.

As we stand at this midpoint, it's the perfect opportunity for a New Year's resolution check-up. But let's start with a simple question: Do we even remember what our resolutions were? And if we do, how are we progressing? Are we moving in the right direction? In other words, what have we accomplished so far?


Let's be honest with ourselves—it can be tough. There is no shame if our resolutions feel like distant hopes that aren't moving toward fulfillment. The purpose of this check-in is to identify what has gone well and what needs adjustment. It's a chance to revisit the basics, assess our progress, make corrections, and implement changes.

So, take a deep breath and let's break down these steps together.

First, let's go back to the basics. 

Nothing is more fundamental than writing down our resolutions and breaking them down into SMART goals. What are SMART goals, you ask? They are:

  • Specific: Clearly defines who, what, when, how, and why.

  • Measurable: Objective criteria to track progress.

  • Achievable: Realistic expectations.

  • Relevant: Aligns with core values.

  • Time-based: Identifies a timeframe for completion.

Another essential step is to place our SMART goals in a visible location that serves as a frequent reminder. The bathroom mirror is always an excellent choice.

Second, let's assess. 

If we honestly feel off track, it's time to reflect on what may have gone wrong. Did we set lofty resolutions without breaking them down into SMART goals? Or perhaps we had goals but didn't fully implement all the SMART components.

Maybe life's circumstances shifted, making a particular resolution no longer relevant. Or it's possible that a resolution sounded good at the beginning of the year but doesn't hold true importance to us. If our resolutions still resonate as heartfelt and healthy desires, then we can move on to step three.


Third, let's correct. 

This stage involves making adjustments to overcome the obstacles that are hindering our progress. It requires being brutally honest during the assessment phase and getting to the core of what's holding us back from achieving our resolutions.


Fourth, let's implement. 

Often, we start with enthusiasm but later succumb to laziness, discouragement, distractions, or feeling overwhelmed and eventually give up. This is precisely why reading our goals every day and understanding the "why" behind them is so important. It keeps us on track, even when we don't feel like it.


Now, here's the thing: These steps may sound fantastic, but they won't work unless we put them into action. Let's be real, this exercise should be done more frequently than just once at the year’s mid-point. It can be a quarterly, monthly, or even weekly dance with our resolutions.

So, if you have resolutions that you are determined to achieve in 2023, trust the process and forge ahead. There is still time (though it's worth remembering that time flies). Embrace the journey, stay committed, and make the most of each day. You have the power to turn your resolutions into accomplishments!

Chamel Evans